Kill Team: Killzone: Sector Fronteris

Sale price$100.00
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At the farthest reaches of space, the boundaries of the Imperium change almost daily as new worlds are discovered and settled while others fall to predations of aliens or rogue factions seeking freedom from of the crushing yoke of Imperial oppression. Open hostility is a common occurrence on such lawless worlds, yet with fewer resources to call upon, many such conflicts are resolved as guerrilla or shadow wars.

The Killzone: Sector Fronteris set gives you a complete Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team Killzone battlefield in a box. Within, you’ll find a double-sided game board and a host of themed scenery that you can use to set up a stunning environment for your games.

This set contains everything you need to create a Sector Fronteris battlefield for games of Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team:

– Double-sided, fold-out game board measuring 22" x 30"
– One bunker with roof
– Three large ruined walls
– Three medium ruined walls
– Three small ruined walls
– Three individual ammo crates

You will need a copy of the Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team Core Manual and the Killzones book to make full use of the contents of this set.

This set can also be combined with other Killzones, game boards, and terrain to create larger battlefields for games of Warhammer 40,000.

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